
Thanks for taking a look this blogsite which is dedicated to the Siar people group. The pictures and information found on this page is given so that you gain a better understanding of the people and of the ministry the Lord has us in. Thanks again

Monday, April 9, 2007

Pictures from our building trip

Our boat dock will also be a nice place to relax.

Ethan loved to come and help out and see what daddy was doing.

Our generator shed

Our boat dock

Hanging out in the place we stayed.

Early stages of the boat dock. Boy it was fun to build!

It's coming along.

They had a feast for us which was pig and traditional food. It was good!

Daddy and Ethan relaxing after a long day of work.

After our stuff was unload from the barge we had to let them now what exactly was our plan.

A number of trees (about 6 or 7) had to be cut down to make room for our boat dock.

OK...they didn't do all the work!

Ethan hanging out with his buddies.

The ladies help us clear our house spot (our house will be build where they are standing).

She accidentally cut here foot and we help bandage it up.

Here comes the barge with our supplies!

It was nice to have it dropped off right on the beach

The Siar people were a huge help.

Get ready, here I come - Ethan looking out from where we slept.

Ethan was a big help.

Ethan with a bunch of his new friends.

Hey...where did he go?! They were digging a hole for our outhouse.

Erin and Ethan learning how to make leaf mats.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Land agreement Pictures

Ogen, one of the big men in the village, reading the land agreement

Couple guys reading the land agreement. From what we can tell many can read Pidgin English therefore the agreement was written in Pidgin.

Ladies and kids washing clothes in the river. This river dumps right into the ocean

Lane and I with Ogen and his wife and one of their children

Leaving the village...we will be back

Land Agreement Trip

Lane sitting with Sali (Left) and one of the big men in the village

One of the ladies working on a basket

Where the bushes start is the beginning of the land they are letting us use for our houses

Chris is showing some of the ladies and kids the picture of our team (Sanfords, Jacksons, and us)

Lane is showing some guys the same picture